Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hippity hoppity

grab your easter bonnet... so i FINALLY dove into sewing in the wee hours of the night before easter. i was inspired i guess. after much hesitation and double checking my manual, i made these bonnets! i used amy karol's bonnet pattern. i must say i am so proud of myself. i couldn't believe that i actually made these. sewing is pretty easy once you get the terminology and have a handle on the basics of the sewing machine. it was really fun. tressa loves her new bonnet and eden loves hers as well although she says she only wants to wear it while watching her little house on the prairie dvds - which to my mama liking, she is really into the last few years. when i showed her hers, she said, "mom, it's exactly like mary ingall's bonnet, i love it."
we colored eggs and for some reason all of the wax from the crayon designs that we drew on before we dyed them, wore off and so we had solid eggs. ofbcourse, i secretly love how they turned out - plain and simple :)

eden and i crafted some cute brown bag / newspaper nests. i got the idea here at alphamom. again, a messy craft so we did this one out on the deck in the warm spring sun. after a day or so they dried and we put easter candy in them but i am going to leave these out way after easter. they came out so cute and will be perfect for holding keys or little treasures. it was fun getting our hands all messy together!

1 comment:

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

These pictures are just wonderful!! I can't wait to dress Megan in her Easter finery next year!!!! : )

~ Wendy