Monday, March 22, 2010

new nest?

i am so grateful for what we have. our little yellow house is my nest and i am so thankful that we live here comfortably and peacefully. there is nothing more i need (except maybe some sleep). that said though, there is always always always room to dream. so the big question in our little house lately has been - do we want to move to the country? we have been spying out this one beautiful home for months now and brought the girls up last week to see. above is just the side yard! i must admit that moving far away has a lot to offer. more SPACE, nature, less noise, a change of pace, an art studio! dreamy. but what we would be giving up... closeness to family and friends - which seems most important. is a big house really worth a big move? will we be happy there? as long as we are together we are at home i always say but a decision like this could change our lives considerably. hmmm. a dilemma, but a good dilemma i know. 

truth is i can't imagine not living here in nyack. i do love it so. :)

1 comment:

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

For purely selfish reasons, you can't leave us!!!! But I would certainly understand if you did. The pics of the "dream" house and its description have me dreaming, too. Brendan adores Eden and would be so sad to see her move away. Have a guilted you into staying yet?!!? : )

~ Wendy