Monday, July 18, 2011


waking up at 8, walking out on my back deck barefoot, down to 'my little piece of earth' garden, watering, smells of grass, the warm air is so nice to breath, i look up and see the already familiar blue that i promise i will not take for granted! i love summer. warmin' my soul. 

the summer is about the little things. the simple things. the things we cannot do in the winter (unless we are the lucky ones who get to escape whenever). like sticking your feet in the sand. like getting sprayed with the hose. like cooking every part of a meal outside on the grill and eating all our meals outdoors. like eating ice pops all day long or dancing in the rain with your bathing suit on.

i'm loving every minute of it. sometimes i have to put into perspective, the cries of 'boredom' from my kids but they are short lived. we are blessed to have a very full life and that means a full summer for sure. we've been enjoying the pool, camp, playdates, family visits, farmer's markets, trips, bbq's with friends, trips to the city, reading lots of books, chinese checkers, riding bikes, strolling after dinner...
fun stuff. we did a couple of projects, too. the girls made a rainbow window star one afternoon when we found some extra tissue paper laying around. here are the directions that i used.
tressa and i made some rain clouds a few weeks back on a rainy morning. i came across the idea here. it was tressa's idea to add the "rain"made of clear sequins.
i have been taking advantage of all the fresh yummy produce around. the farmer's market is booming with lovely goodies like kale, broccoli, herbs, zucchini, berries, berries, berries! my go to recipe this month is like a buddha bowl. i make a big batch of brown rice and add some spices or flavored oils to it for us grown ups. then i chop chop away. i chop up everyone's favorites into tiny pieces. like bell pepper, cheese cubes, cucumber, carrot, avocado, grapes, apples...whatever we have. everyone adds what they want to their rice bowl (or noodle/pasta bowl), like a salad bar. you can top it off with a squeeze of lemon or lime or with some shredded cheeses. easy, healthy, raw, and there's no complaining. score!
and i'm back to my daily green juice! i swear it's yummy. recipe here (again...).

work has been banal and ho hum but i have been finding some inspiration here and there. at anthropologie last week, their entire front display was created by assembling origami 'fortune tellers' into sculptures. awesome. eden really appreciated the idea.
and this was a unique fountain i passed. it was actually one of two and looked like a dandelion wish flower. tressa stared at it and then said, "but i don't have my babin' suit!" so funny. 
i am feelin' like i need to do some collaging (my old friend) so i will be pulling out my enormous stack of almost recyclable mags and cutting. ah what bliss. my meditation. i am in need of one of those 'vision boards.' mine are outdated and true this - everything on my old vision boards have come into reality. 
just sayin'. 

stay tuned for my next post highlighting tressa's 3rd birthday soiree at the merry old land of oz!

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