Friday, May 21, 2010

mind full

the springtime or as mothers of school-aged kids call it, the 'end of the school year,' is a busy, busy time. so much to do, people to see, events to celebrate... there is such a happy energy this time of year. my mind is full of ideas for those carefree days of summer. i think the new york winters make me appreciate these long sunny days. 

i love waking up and walking outside barefoot and tank-topped to get the paper. i love lemonade after a long walk. i love ripe tomatoes still warm from the sun. i love throwing whatever we have in the fridge on the grill at dinner time - viola! i love sitting in the backyard with a beer and my husband after the kids are in bed. oh, i can't wait.

being this time is so jam packed with things, i tend to go on autopilot and to be very honest i get frazzled and snappy. 'getting things done' so i can enjoy the summer. in becoming aware of the fact that i am not in the moment for my children all of the time, i have been consciously trying to be more mindful of what i am doing, more present. i want to enjoy my day, not just get through it, you know? in my few quiet breaks, i've picked up two books that i think any mama would benefit from reading. one is buddhism for mothers - a calm approach to caring for yourself and your children and everyday blessings - the inner work of mindful parenting.

since starting to read these I have already noticed a change in myself. the days seem longer (in a good way) and in practicing to not be so concerned with 'having enough time,' i have noticed that i am happier and actually get more done. my energy does not sink because i am stressed.

the image above is of eden at nyack beach. we had a real family photo shoot but of course my tressa wanted nothing to do with it. she wiggled and pouted and refused to smile. there were just too many fun things to explore and do... so we surrendered and she thanked us with some "cheeeeese!"

1 comment:

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

These photos are so beautiful, Melanie!! I haven't read your blog in a while and am so glad I have had the time to catch up on some of my favorite blogs since we found that Megan loves her swing and takes nice naps in it!! YAY!! I am very interested in reading the book you have pictured above and am going to go on Amazon later and order it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I hope your summer is going well. I can't believe Tressa is two already!!!! Brendan has Mrs. Gabriel for 3/4. I don't know her because the two other boys had Ramundo but I hear she's nice. Hope to see you at some point before school resumes. Brendan was just talking about Eden the other day and liked the idea of having her over for a play date. If you'd like to, give a call and we'll set something up. Take care and God bless!! : )

~ Wendy