Friday, December 4, 2009

i'm hearing those jingle bells

here comes christmas...and it's coming fast! time to get a move on. my first project had to be matching christmas tutus for my identical twin baby nieces. i can't resist. 

tutus are so simple to make. here are the simple instructions. eden even made one for her american girl doll. nice job!

well, it's that time of year where if i am not shopping for gifts, wrapping, baking, crafting... i feel that i'm wasting time. ridiculous, i know, when this time of year is supposed to be for cherishing the moments together. every year i say that i will try to slow down but somehow i go christmas crazy and wind up thrown into a pile of wrapping paper. splat. leaving me totally spent by christmas day. will i ever figure out how to balance december? i'm trying. i guess i am still new at this mama makes christmas thing. i do love it though. :)

on savoring some moments. i heart: 

observing the changes outdoors - the leaves are very far and few and the ground is covered with what used to be high up in the branches of trees. the landscape has dramatically changed. i can see houses and things that the leaves were hiding. 

pushing the baby in the swing

living room dance parties - my girls and i kick it off with "i gotta feeling" by the black eyed peas

chamomile or chai tea after the girls are in bed 

lighting my eucalyptus candle or some nag champa

listening to holiday music

making soup - mmmm

watching funny movies with the hubby

white christmas lights

a glass of wine


JGH said...

Sounds like you have your elf hat on! Speaking of funny movies, have you ever seen "Elf"? It's one of my favorites of all time.

The tutu project looks so fun. I bet your nieces are going to love it. When my daughter was little I made one of those fairy tents out of tulle to go over her bed. Surprisingly easy!

Happy holidays :-)

nesting melly said...

elf is one of my favorite movies of all time! we own it and watch it all year. sooo funny!